Keeping your cat warm and fuzzy this winter

January 27, 2025

Cats love warmth and are irresistibly drawn to cozy corners, fuzzy blankets fresh from the dryer, and sunbeams puddled into warm pools of light. Summer might be their favorite time of year, but you can keep your cat basking in the heat all winter long with a few changes to your routine. Here’s what you need to know to keep your cat warm and cozy in the cool winter months.

Staying Warm Inside

Inside cats are easy to keep warm. Simply set up a few cozy spots throughout your home. Place soft, fuzzy blankets or pet beds in draft-free spots. Cats typically have a few prime snoozing spots, like sunny windowsills, near radiators, or furniture near big windows with ample sunshine. If your house tends to be drafty or you keep the thermostat set low, consider using a heated pet bed. Cats that like climbing might enjoy a cat tree with cozy bowls or hides added.

Staying Warm Outside

Staying warm outside tends to be a bit more challenging in the winter but isn’t impossible with a bit of creativity. You’ll need to consider not just how you’ll keep your kitty warm but also how to keep them comfortable and safe. Your outdoor cat will need access to shelter, preferably in a protected area in a garage or shed. The shelter should be insulated and filled with straw rather than hay, which can become damp and molder, or blankets, which can freeze. You can also use a heated cat box.

During the cold weather months, feed your outdoor cat a bit more to help them maintain their body temperature. If you feed wet food, you can warm it up a bit before feeding to make it more appealing.

Check to ensure they have a consistent supply of fresh water at all times. If your outdoor temperatures are regularly below freezing, consider switching to a heated water bowl or water fountain to prevent ice formation.

Outdoor cats also typically need access to the indoors, especially during periods of extreme cold. Keep an eye on your cat and monitor for signs that they have gotten chilled, including shivering or lethargy. If your cat is elderly or has a short coat or no coat, like a Sphynx, they might benefit from wearing a cozy sweater, before going on jaunts outdoors. Add some pet-safe paw balm to their beans to protect them from snow, ice, and road chemicals, too.

Cozy Products for Extra Warmth

While cats are typically low-maintenance pets, they always appreciate life’s little luxuries, and you can heighten their comfort with a few special products during the winter. Cat-friendly heating pads, including reflective thermal pads, microwavable heating pads, and electric warmers, are all available. Check that these items are made for use by pets and follow all instructions to ensure safety. These types of products are especially beneficial for senior cats and cats with arthritis or pain conditions.

While space heaters and fireplaces can be tempting to use during the cold weather months, they can bring unforeseen hazards to our kitty friends. Sparks can singe fur while smoky irritants can trigger asthma or respiratory problems. Space heaters can easily be tipped over by a cat zoomie, quickly becoming a fire hazard.

Finally, if you’re planning on being out for a long period, don’t leave your cat to their own devices. Bring them to us. At Cozy Cat Suites, we’ll keep your cat cozy, warm, and safe for as long as you need in their own private suite. We can even keep them with a pal, if you have more than one cat, and provide for any special needs they have while in our care. We’re committed to your cat’s well-being and offer 24/7 webcam access so that you can check in whenever you want. Contact us today to learn more or to visit our spacious, customized suites.